Cummins12V98 wrote:
If I were a RV Park owner I would make it known that no one can charge their Electric cars without some form of payment.
Costco Visa card gives 4 percent off at Costco fuel stations.
Good morning Cummins. Yes I agree, a sign posted on the charge policy is a good idea and good manners would suggest that the Electric vehicle owner asks as well. Our toad is an Electric vehicle so we are in that situation.
Some campgrounds are starting to add themselves to the Plug share app as charge points and some seem to have a flat rate posting. I think they are doing this for two reasons.
A. it can be a revenue stream for them. Customer pulls in, provides his own EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment). Plugs it into the 50 amp outlet and hangs out for a couple hours or has lunch or whatever. This is usually a last resort scenario when the driver pulls into a charge station and its off line or has a long line. It happens. The infrastructure is developing fast but it happens. I am seeing flat rates of 5 to 10 dollars on the APP for this service.
b. RVers with EV toads are only going to increase and of course if a campground has that facility they will want to stay there. This is the case with a camp ground about 40 KM from our home. It is only a leve 2 charger but is co-located with a store and restaurant and it is common to see an EV there. Probably generates Revenue for them.
By the way, an EVSE or Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment is what interfaces the EV's on board charger to supply mains. Here is a picture of our home unit although when we are on the road we take it out of the garage and mount it in the motorhome. It can plug into 50 amp 30 amp or 15 amp service.