Shorter axle gears and or smaller tires don't always work better...... It is very specific to each rig. With the 6 speed in the F150, it's more a question of having the right gearing. My truck used to tow perfectly (3.73 gears) in 5th gear at 70mph, 2550rpm or so, now that our trailer is lifted, large exterior storage and bigger axle, springs, rims and tires, I'm in 4th at around 3200@70mph. Realistically it would tow better at speed with 355's, as it wouls still be in 5th, but at around 2900rpm, so there's an example of taller gears being better. Also, right now, climbing mountains at 65, puts me at 6500 rpm, not usually full throttle, but it could easily do it at 6000, (if I had 3.55's), again, I get moving a bit better, but at speed, 3.73's aren't ideal for me......
And no 'fraidy cats replying about the rpm please..... especially the (turbo) diesel $10K engine club members lol)