path1 wrote:
path1 wrote:
"I don't want other homeless people to drag me down".
Love hearing that!!!!
Still stand my statement.
Are you sure you want to get a PHD? If so Gov't used to put out (and could only get a reference section of library) what is called "Occupational outlook". Had their projections of upcoming employment shortages and in what areas. Best friend went the PHD route and bounces from job to job. Always getting layed off due to funding or research money. I on the other hand didn't pay attention in school (wish I could do over) and joined military and had to get a GED before 1st reenlistment (after failing parts of it first 2 times)then after getting out of active military stay'd in the Military reserves and drove a truck until retiring at age 57. I'm NOT saying this to beat my chest, just the opposite, trying to get at the point of: Learn what is in demand and marketable and what you can do. When this economy blew up it wasn't because of truck drivers with PHD's. Just the second part, PHD's. I loved being a truck driver like a hole in the head. But always could get a job (demand). As you can tell this forum "solves" all the worlds problems one key stroke at a time. Just like over the hood of a car or in the kitchen or around the campfire. Here is another link you might like. Your in a good spot to be homeless! Where I'm at they freeze in the winter.
OK, back on topic: when I do carry an extra propane bottle (40 pound?)because wife and in laws for some reason need to have a camping/cooking feast we meet up usually in middle of the state. I transport it in the bathroom with the bathroom vent open. Some propane might make it out the vent(heavier than air) if the tank does leak and RV also has CO alarm. Home depot also has alarms that are not to pricey.
Thanks for the advice about Ph.D.s path1! You know, I respect you very much. I had at one time thought about becoming a truck driver when I was young and unemployed, but I had some traffic tickets on my record! I am now too old for the military, and wouldn't have been accepted anyway, per their own policies.
I do best in academia, so I think that's where my future lies. I've done some research, and as I posted above, the average starting salary for a biologist or chemist with a Ph.D. in a non-governmental job is $70,000-$80,000. I want to specialize in cancer research and/or obesity research. With those two things, you will never be without a job!
I also agree that I am in a good area for being homeless, although, in many ways, I would prefer to freeze at night than be hot, like here, as I am from near Buffalo.
Thanks for the link. Also, I read that CO only occurs when propane is burning, not from a leaking canister, so I think that a CO detector would not be of much use. Either someone posted that here, or I read that elsewhere. Unless you meant there is a detector for propane gas?