Cloud Dancer wrote:
Deb and Ed M wrote:
Cloud Dancer wrote:
I've been driving for 53 years, and I have never had a vehicular accident on a public road. If someone "cut's me off", and doesn't make contact with my vehicle, this means they were ahead of me. Therefore, I shouldn't have a need to "slam" my brakes. I touch the brake pedal in order to cancel the cruise control, while staying in full control of MY vehicle. Then, I take it from there.
It's different with a loaded horse trailer, though - your load is top-heavy by nature (horses being the leggy critters they are) and your load can startle and shift THEIR combined weight of probably a ton. Depending on what you are towing with, you can get the tail wagging the dog very quickly. Granted, most folks know to activate the trailer brakes manually to stop the swaying, but in a panic, that may not be the first thing that crosses your mind....
Simple, it's a matter of me driving differently than you. Towing a trailer, I do NOT swerve! If I'm driving, why would I choose to swerve versus just touching the brake with my right foot, therefore DE-celerating, while the idiot is still trying to complete his "cutting me off". If I make contact, HIS vehicle is at an angle, but still moving. He's the one that's out of control, NOT me. I'm not waiting for him to get completely in my lane, and THEN he slams the brakes. In the first place, I'm already in the decelerating mode by the time he straightens out and hits the brake. THEN, if I do make contact, I send him forward, BUT I'm still in control of my rig. My rig is heavier than his. If I concentrate on simply staying in control of my rig, I win.
Things simply do NOT happen THAT quickly, for me. I drive as if every driver out there is out to crash me. And, I'm aware of the vehicles all around me, and what they are getting ready to do. They're either going the same speed as I am, or slower, or faster. I profile them and anticipate what they might do. And, I try to be ready. I drive in a very responsible manner. But, I also believe in good, and in bad, LUCK. All you can do is try. I just wish everyone drove like I do.
captnjack wrote:
et2 wrote:
Perfect reason to have a dash cam. At least the public would know who the *** holes were. There is too many road commando's these days. I made my mind up long ago after our own experiences. I will not react to someone else's stupidity. I will not swerve or slam on my brakes for them. My dash cam will be the jury.
You should first check the law in your state. My understanding is that we all have a legal responsibility to avoid accidents if we are able regardless of who was in the right or who was in the wrong. That dashcam footage may end up convicting YOU.
No I am not a lawyer or law enforcement. That's why I said check the state law.
Now that Cloud Dancer has made his earlier statement clearer, I agree 100 percent. I have a responsibility to those in MY vehicle, to safely get them to where we are going. If that means rear ending the idiot that just took my safety zone and slammed on his brakes, I will brake, but not to the point that I jackknife my rig.
I am sure I could easily find a lawyer to defend my actions.
If I were to brake and swerve to "Avoid" the accident of hitting him, and put my rig in the ditch, or off the road and destroy my TV and trailer, I am 100 percent that Dude, would be speeding off as fast as he could.