Crowe wrote:
Wow ... what a fine and noble grownup attitude that is about life in general, and camping in particular. Most good parents try real hard to train that kind of thinking out of their kids by the time they're 9 or 10. I guess some slip through, though, regardless of how hard parents try.
Yup, I'd agree his parents failed on this one.
Never said you couldn't enjoy yourself. If enjoying yourself in your eyes means being loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate of the ones around you then go find an area where you won't disturb anybody. If it means enjoying your campfire with a brewski or two, conversation, laughing and some music so be it. Your attitude indicates yelling, screaming and bonfires. Not acceptable behavior in shared spaces. Just remember that like freedom of speech doesn't allow one to yell fire in a crowded theater, just because you rent a space in a campground doesn't mean you get a free pass on being a jerk.
Dont assume my parents didnt train me correctly as one camper eluded to,, Another fine example of over education with lack of common sense!!
Maybe I just got tired of trying to put up with the inconsiderate people that feel they own there camp spot and park where they want,, let their troll kids run through my peaceful little quiet slice of life, Maybe I got tired of hearing them playing loud music and cussing up a storm,,burning their trash in the fire pit, Probably why I no longer camp on the east coast!!!
Maybe now its time for ME to enjoy myself as I should.
If my fire and lights and decorations offend you,,,walk your grumpy self to the gate and complain!!
What makes you assume that I yell and scream? My attitude? Oh because I no longer cave into making sure Your happy?
Pictures I posted were taken off of the internet,, just search "camp lights" "camp fires", under images, they all come up mostly from Massachusetts and Arkansas!!!
I really could care less if you dont approve of how I camp next to you!!!
You want quiet and dark?? Avoid a Campground!! The desert or a mountain top,,, some where other than a "Pay and camp" assembly area!!
You just can't control everyone and People are just going to be People!!
Take a deep breath,,, let it out,,,,,, take another one,,,,,, See,, its getting better!!!
Hope to see you in a camp ground soon!! CHEERS!!!