Artum Snowbird wrote:
If I am moving on to another camp spot, I likely will not rinse, but if it's my final dump and the camper is going home to sit, I certainly will.
If you blow a gasket waiting I would suggest you tighten down your head bolts a little tighter next time.
I totally agree with you! It only adds a few minutes on the process,,and if your in that much of a hurry,,Leave and find a place to dump when You get home,,Don't rush me!! Its my turn and if your behind me maybe you should a got there faster!
Holly cow,,when did a rinser become such an ugly weapon??
I bring my own hose, not an impact to the camp ground, it takes me maybe five or ten minutes extra to rinse and clean all my stuff, then I am outta there!!
Oh yeah and I leave my porch light on and my stereo playing so I can groove while rinsing! I also have a plug so that my clearance lights flash while i am rinsing also!!
Last I checked the drought here is over and I believe in the GEO method of rinsing and dumping so I hope that the hose has good pressure cause my tanks are going to be clean!!!
What goes on behind me I could care less about!! Most of ya are all just headed to a wal mart to camp any way so slow down and chill out!!
Peace All!!