DiskDoctr wrote:
Stefonius wrote:
Be careful with generalizations that aren't backed up by supplied research. I would say that while there appears to be a fair amount of rap/hip-hop that utilizes offensive lyrics or subject matters, there is probably at least an equal quantity that does not. Check this song out. It actually tells a beautiful story (the English lyrics are provided)
Of course there are exceptions. If you have found some you like and it's an exception, all the better ;)
Since you wondered about it, here's one such discussion about just profanity that you may find interesting.
31,564 total cuss words in 145 albums
Do I consider that a definitive study? Probably not. But it does have a bunch of other info in the article that supports why we don't like rap music. And that is just the cursing part. Doesn't even talk about the subject ;)
But hey, if it's your thing....Different strokes as they say.
Yeehup that blogspot highlights a hip hop sub-genre commonly known as gangster rap and it rightly spotlights a few groups who had their rude crude heyday during a 10 year period between the mid '80's and '90's.
'Course it's now almost 25 years later full of time flies when you're having fun, and like other forms of popular music artists have moved on even those who started some of those groups.
Thus, I agree w/ the blogger that music from a generation back is the exception as opposed to the rule in rap today;).
And just to make us all laugh at selves no matter of what generation my sisters and I still titter over the time our mother saw an album cover for "The Grateful Dead", and loudly and angrily proclaimed that no one knows if the recently departed would be happy to be there or not.
This story has also been added to the collective giggles of our family get-togethers but at the age of 93 she has more finesse than her grandson, says nothing, and continues to eat lobster tails daintily.