Well there you have it, straight from the OP. Most just leave and never come back, but at least he came back to tell you what he thinks of all the long drawn out complicated, sofistigated post that the average RV'r does not deserve or understand, or get little benefit from. All stuff that is really quite simple, but you guys make so complicated,.....and expensive, and unnecessary. But I've said it too many times, enuff times to know it ain't never gonna change.
KATOOM wrote:
Thanks guys. I really do appreciate all the feedback. But in saying that, it sure would be nice if some of you could accept that not everyone fully understands the in-depth engineering level dynamics of how electronics work. :E So explaining it like a astrophysicist college professor doesn't help me absorb it any better but rather makes it more confusing..... There's something to be said about simplicity.
Also, for any posts regarding the generator and actually using it..... For the life of me I just dont understand why some members hate them with such intensity. Its just a freaking means of giving electricity to the RV/trailer for basic needs. Sure I could configure the coolest of cool battery bank systems, incorporating expensive inverters, and install multiple solar panels so I'd never have to break the silence of nature with my environment burdening generator. But if someone is willing to boondock in the vast wilderness close enough to me to hear my offensive generator then thats their bad. Besides, its actually pretty quiet and becomes difficult to hear when I'm further than around 75-100 feet away. So please, stop with all the generator preaching..... Some of us dont camp enough to justify the work and expense of high dollar solar systems. Maybe some day the RV industry will succumb to the solar movement but until then.....
All that said, if upping the converter amps does nothing then thank you for answering my question. Again, I appreciate the help. I will be ordering the 60 amp as I choose to stay somewhere near what the trailer came with. Whether or not the factory install was correct per the immense knowledge and experience you guys have, I cant even begin to know. But it came with a 55 amp so replacing with a 60 amp seems logical, especially since Progressive doesn't offer a 55 amp.
Also, some of you asked me for a diagram of my current set up..... Well I apologize but there is just too much junk, wiring, compartments, and shielding in the wiring mix for me to come close to ever explaining whats going on there. Especially with the transfer switch wired in too. I tried to trace wires from the batteries to the converter and back but unfortunately everything is too inaccessible to see from point A to point B as its all wired through areas which I cant easily get into. But, as I pointed out earlier, I do specifically see a black and white wire that are around 5/16" in diameter which come from the converter, run to the fuse box's 12 volt panel area, go from that panel and run in the direction of the battery compartment. Then in the batter compartment I see (I think) the same two large wires appear from underneath which run out to fuse junction blocks/links. The black wire runs from that block up to the main 12 volt on/off switch then down to one battery positive post. The white wire runs from its fuse junction block/link down to a ground post on the other battery. So I'm assuming those two larger wires are the wires from the converter to the batteries. :h
Lastly, I did see the pendant but I dont really understand what it does aside from that it shows what mode the converter is in. Is it something you mount in the trailer or leave by the batteries?