wa8yxm wrote:
IF the cylinders built up compression with the spark plug feed, nothing coming out intake or exhause or crankcase vent or (if water cooled) radiator...
I"m stumped
You need 3 things to varroom
Fuel and air mixed in the proper portion (Explosive mix)
Compression (Appears you got that)
Spark. (Gasoline engines)
Heat (Diesel)
Missed a big item, "timing".
Everything must be done in the correct sequence one right after the other.
All it takes is timing to jump or valves to hang open slightly and it is all over.
Timing seems to be gear to gear, so no chain or belt, but there is a possibility that there could be a plastic or nylon gear in the mix..
Kohler isn't what it used to be and somewhere in the past I have read about a lot complaints of issues with many modern twin cylinder Kohler engines having valve related failures. If I remember correctly the valve guides moving out of place or valve seats causing the valves to not seal.
Basically I doubt the issue is fixable from the outside and will need some sort of teardown to assess the condition.
A bit more research, found some items for the OP to check..
Sorry, I was going to hot link but the forum doesn't like the URL above due to the formatting :M
From that website..
" Help! Kohler 25 died, turns over but no compression
Any ideas where to start looking for problem? Symptoms are like a broken timing chain would cause...just died suddenly, spins over freely with the starter, but acts like no compression (resistance). Happened late yesterday, so I haven't had a chance to investigate it yet. Any help greatly appreciated!
Here is what was wrong with mine. Engine ran fine. Shut it off and it wouldn't start again. Checked compression and there was none. Took the valve cover off and when turning the flywheel around by hand that one of the valves was returning very slowly. Sprayed some penetrating oil on the valve stem and turned the engine over and I had compression. Put the plug back in and it started right up again."Very good chance the valve guides are gummed up and not closing quick enough..
Another which was mentioned in the link above, if you have a pressurized oil system seems Kohler in many of these engines may be using hydraulic lifters with the oil pump to create a compression release. Issues with the oil pump relief valve may not allow the lifters to release correctly to running position. Not sure how you test for that..
A broken crank gear was mentioned if the rocker arms are not moving which would mean replacement crank and cam shaft..
Need to at least pull the valve covers and see if the rockers/valves are moving correctly..