Forum Discussion

Slownsy's avatar
Oct 22, 2017

Magnum MSH 3012

Our inverter bought and installed in our FW in USA and since bought back to Australia was not passing power trough or charging batteries when supplied 110V with a step down transformer, I contacted Magnums service department and was told I had to send it to their Australian distributor which we did and was told by them that it works fine at 110v 60 HZ but will not work in Australia on 50HZ. $180 to send it and a bill for $100 for service. I am not happy. The specifications says it will operate on 50-70 HZ. I have since contacted the service department again 2 times but got no replies. Anybody know where to go from here and whom to contact? We will be very grateful .
  • BTW If your fiver is 50A did you connect both hot leads to the step down transformer? Did you measure the rig AC voltage under loads in Australia?

    Have you tried connecting the Magnum to the step down w/o any rig wiring?
  • The MSH 3012 specs show 50-70 HZ at 60-140V.

    "Australian distributor which we did and was told by them that it works fine at 110v 60 HZ but will not work in Australia on 50HZ"

    Of course it doesn't work on 240V 50HZ Australian power. Sounds like miscommunication to me. But to be very sure call Magnum with your SN and confirm the above specs for YOUR unit. And I suspect something else is wrong with your step down power set up.
  • According to Magnum specifications,

    MS-E series is rated at 230V, 50 HZ
    MS series is rated at 120V, 60HZ
    MSH series is rated at 120V, 60HZ

    There is nothing I can find that says anything about 50-70HZ

    Link to Magnum specifications
  • There is indeed a way to bias a relay coil to make it respond to a different frequency. Try contacting an Amateur Radio Group down under and see if one of their gurus can come up with the answer. It involves partial "shading" of the relay coil but without having 50 Hz available here in this rental and no way to access your particular relay for absolute "proofing" I hesitate to get specific.

    Another potential source of information is your power company. Line transmission engineers have an enormous amount of experience at their disposal and they are forced to deal with the two frequency issue. The performance of the Magnum is going to take a hit working at a lower frequency. Expect a 17 to 20 percent loss of ultimate potential power. Watch for thermal issues inside the inverter until you become comfortable with it.

    Best of fortune to you!
  • Hi Frank,

    Sell it and get a 50 hertz Victron hybrid instead? Or Outback?