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MadMav's avatar
Sep 04, 2013

Water heater issue..Suburban SW10DE DSI

On my SIL's 2012 Elkridge the water heater will not work. Heater is a Suburban SW10DE DSI unit.

On turn the inside switch on and it lights, but the ignitor will not attempt to spark. Propane works elseware.

On gets very little(over 6 hours) or no heat. Both switches are on(outside on unit and CB in the panel). No other control that I can tell. Also all fuses seem to be good and normal. I'm going ohm out the element tonight.

I'm wondering if these two issues are related or just one big coencidence? Any tips on troubleshooting? I read through all the post on here and youtube videos and not much covers the newer DSI units. Same principles apply for the gas stuff though I'm sure.

Thank you,
  • I think I have the electric part figured out. I bet it is the element. The FIL plugged it in for a few hours to charge the batteries before they brought it down from Wyoming. It was winterized and the switch was on when it got down here. Now I just have to swap it out and fix the propane part.

  • Electric switch ON and no water in WH tank....usually means burnt out element.

    Both just for giggles......
    Check the t-stats. Each heat source (electric & propane) have their own set (normal & ECO--high temp).
    The ECO (high temp) has a reset...if tripped electric or propane will not heat
    Reset(s) are under rubber cover.....push each one hard to reset

    Probably still have a bad electric element BUT if gas ECO is tripped it could be problem with no spark (no power)

    Service Manual Link
  • Thanks. I checked the resets yesterday and they did not appear tripped. Will check again today.

  • IF T-stats are reset then you need to check where 12V power stops for gas operation.

    Goes from switch to high limit/normal t-stat then to module.
    From module to spark electrode (and gas valve for 6-8 secs)

    Could be bad ground connections
    Dirty connections on module plug
    Loose/corroded terminals on t-stats
    Faulty high tension wire to spark electrode
    Improper gap on spark electrode and ground rod
    BAD module

    Trace the 12V power thru circuit
  • Update. Ohmed out the element and it was good at 10.6 ohms. Took everything appart and cleaned what I could. Double checked the resets and all the connections. I can hear the power when the switch is on, so we are ongoing testing for the electric heat today.

    I discovered that water heater is on a set of switches that it shouldn't be. The not only is there the CB on the water heater, and in the CB panel, the electic is once again on a big 120v lighted swtich. This is usually reserved for the gas function of the water heater from my experiance. I also found that the gas funtion of the water heater is on a tiny lighted switch labled for the tank heaters. Man this thing is wired backwards.

    I at least got the hot water going off the gas yesterday and all seems to work fine there. I am having them shut off the gas portion today and see if the electic can maintain the heat after everything was cleaned and reset.

    Thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully we got this knocked out.

  • My water heater has 2 switchs when being used on AC. There is one inside the trailer and a black one on the water heater, kind of hiden under the gas valve. Both switches havee to be ON for the AC side to work.