Forum Discussion

otrfun's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 21, 2016

6.7 Cummins: 20+ MPG?!

The average MPG for 2011-2016 6.7 Cummins seems to hover right around 16 MPG.

Today the wife and I spent most of the day running some errands with our new 2016 6.7 3500 SRW. Put about 125 miles on the truck (odo says 660 total miles). About 50 percent was interstate at 65 MPH, the remaining miles were driven at 40-45 MPH on secondary roads with stop signs and lights about every mile or two. Filled up the truck just before we started and reset the EVIC. Filled it up at the same pump when we finished.

EVIC showed 21.9 MPG. Hand calculated at 20.5 MPG. Average speed was approx. 38 MPH.

After the first 30 or 40 miles today, I couldn't help but notice the EVIC hovering around 21 MPG. Just for the heck of it I kept driving conservative just to see what was possible.

This is a very pleasant surprise. I honestly expected to get around 13-15 MPG until this thing got broken-in.