For an emergency repair, use the CLEAR Gorilla tape. For us, it lasted several months. Get a home type rubberized bath mat to protect the tape from being pulled off. Cut the mat to fit and clear the drain hole. Then...
When you have the time to do it right, first get under the shower pan and support it correctly. This is a common problem. Manufacturers all seem to cut corners here, leaving that thin plastic to hang in space. I used some wood scraps, then filled in with Great Stuff. I used the low expansion type so as not to distort the floor. Then clean the inside pan and put a strip of Etenabond over the crack. The edges will bleed adhesive, so cover the Etenabond with the Clear Gorilla tape. Put the mat back down and forget it. Will last forever.
I agree with JB weld for just about everything, and it may well work here. But, that floor is always going to move when you stand on it, so that is why I went this route. It makes a permanent, waterproof, FLEXIBLE seal.
Good luck.