Forum Discussion

Bear25314's avatar
May 28, 2013

No trailer power when connected to the truck hitch. Why?

Hi All,

So the other day I was towing my travel trailer home from the service people after a few minor repairs from a break in. I didn't have the batteries on the trailer. I siply attached the trailer hitch plug into my truck like I always do to power up the power hitch, raised it up and attached it to my truck and off I went.

When I got home I went to raise the power hitch up to disconnect from my truck and nothing, no power so I couldn't raise it using the buttons. I had to manually crank the hitch to raise her off the ball to disconnect. I did check the fuse on the hitch and it looked good. I even replaced it anyways. I also noticed that the slides didn't work while connected to the truck (I think they did before). Anyways, one thing I did notice once I had her disconnected from the truck was I foolishly left the batter connection wires hanging. When I'm plugged into the truck, if these battery connection wires coming from the trailer touch can that fry a board or something? Is this why I get no power on the trailer when connected to the truck but everything works when connected to the batteries? I hope all that made sense. Maybe I blew a fuse in the truck?
  • My puma has a 15 amp fuse under the trailer frame at the front. If battery is dead and I hook up the 7 pin, it will blow that fuse. I would suspect that fuse or breaker as mentioned earlier.

    After winter I did not have a battery in it yet and was not hooked into shore power. When the slide came all the way in and the drive started to slip, the fuse popped then also.

    Good luck
  • Check under the hood of the TV for the fuse that connects the chargin line to the trailer.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    How come your trailer battery don't work... That is what i use for all of my trailer mounted 12VDC items.

    What may have happened is the battery was run down by the service people when they was working on things. The trailer battery won't last very long not being plugged into shore power. ALot of what they call parasitic drains inside the trailer.

    I use a battery disconnect switch on mine so I can quickly disconnect the trailer from the batteries.

    Roy Ken
  • Maybe those loose wires caused the fuse in the truck to blow . Do you have power at the back end of truck now?
  • Yes, the truck was running while I tried to use the power jack but no power to the jack. I also checked all the breakers and fuses inside the trailer and all were good. I really cant remember if the slides would work with the truck connected and running. I think they did but this time they didn't. I'll have to look for that button you speak of. You say its on the trailer under it? Thanks again.
  • Did you have the truck running when you tried to use the jack and slide? Many trucks have the power line to the camper tied into the ignition. If the truck is off the power line is not live. This is to prevent the camper from draining your starting battery over night.

    If that is not it follow the power line from where it plugs into the truck to the frame of the camper. Its probably connected to an inline breaker attached tot the frame under the camper. Push the little button on this breaker to see if it is tripped.