minnow wrote:
The Blackstone report will advise as to what condition the oil is in, if the oil could be run longer and a very detailed report on all "ingredients" in the composition of the oil. A Blackstone analysis would be very strong and significant ally in any denied oil related warranty claim. One other important aspect of a Blackstone analysis is that they through the oil testing can look at unusual engine wear alerting to potential problems long before one would realize there was a problem sans the oil testing.
"Unusual engine wear alerting to potential problems long before one would realize there was a problem."
I'm curious about that statement, so you get back a report that says unusual engine wear, now what ? you tear the engine down before you throw a bearing or whatever , you drive it with caution ? You change the oil like its supposed to be in the first place ?
Obviously you will want to change the oil more often to hopefully prevent anymore unusual engine wear, beyond that not much. My point is why bother with oil analysis just change your oil like its stated in the owners manual, and forget the rest. If its a warranty issue then its sure not your problem other then loss of vehicle for repair. If its out of warranty I would still change the oil as stated in the manual, even more so .
I will save the money on oil analysis , and use it to change the oil, and let cards fall where they may.