Forum Discussion

Checkers123's avatar
May 15, 2022

Seeking Airbag Advice for Lifted F150/TC650

Hi all. Long time reader, first time poster. I’m looking for some suspension advice as a pertains to lifted trucks. My 2015 f150 is lifted about 6” maybe 7. My Northstar TC650 weights about 1700. Looking at the Firestone ride rite kit and daystar cradles. Is that my best bet? It seems the firestone kit attaches to the top of the leaf pack onto the frame rail so I wouldn’t need to use a bunch of spacers. Is that accurate? The lift on my tuck is made in the rear with blocks. Do I also need Stableloads and a rear sway bar. What are you folks with lifted vehicle is running in terms of bags? Thanks!

  • Checkers123 wrote:
    After reading more about plumbing the bags this waythere seems to be a con. Curious to hear your thoughts. If you develop a leak or a bag fails, you would have air in one bag and not in the other which would lead to a lop sided load. Whereas if one was leaking but not the other and they're plumbed together, they would slowly loose pressure equally. Or is this not really that big of a deal?

    Not an issue. If you plumb them together, they will be worse than useless and work against you to prevent body roll.

    Like I said, I wouldn't use bags anyway with your config. You're pushing it for stability as it is. Stiff springs and the biggest anti-roll bar you can buy is your best shot at not having it handle like a half full water balloon.
  • BurbMan wrote:
    It's tough to manage that extra weight when you're lifted. I would say pay attention to your airbag installation...most times airbags are plumbed to the air line with a tee so they fill together. This doesn't give you any side-to-side stability because when the truck rocks side-to-side all it does is push air from one bag to the other. Either use separate Schrader valves for a bumper fill or a check valves if connected to an onboard compressor.

    Depending on the config of your 150 you may or may not have enough payload for that camper as light as it is. You may also need n HD sway bar in the rear to control body roll. I see you're in NJ, if you're planning on hitting the beach with the camper, controlling body roll is priority in the sand.

    Thats good advice BurbMan thank you. After reading more about plumbing the bags this waythere seems to be a con. Curious to hear your thoughts. If you develop a leak or a bag fails, you would have air in one bag and not in the other which would lead to a lop sided load. Whereas if one was leaking but not the other and they're plumbed together, they would slowly loose pressure equally. Or is this not really that big of a deal?
  • It's tough to manage that extra weight when you're lifted. I would say pay attention to your airbag installation...most times airbags are plumbed to the air line with a tee so they fill together. This doesn't give you any side-to-side stability because when the truck rocks side-to-side all it does is push air from one bag to the other. Either use separate Schrader valves for a bumper fill or a check valves if connected to an onboard compressor.

    Depending on the config of your 150 you may or may not have enough payload for that camper as light as it is. You may also need n HD sway bar in the rear to control body roll. I see you're in NJ, if you're planning on hitting the beach with the camper, controlling body roll is priority in the sand.
  • Any F-150 with any camper is pushing or exceeding the rear axle weight.*
    As has been stated, most of us TC drivers try to keep the CoG low to get the best handling.
    Do you know the actual, loaded axle weights of your truck with the camper? If not, you should get it weighed.

    *) I know, that is a very general statement, and exceptions exist - there are very lightweight trucks and campers, and HD F-150 trucks, and weights and capacities can vary greatly. And I understand that the stated camper weights, payloads, and axle ratings are up for discussion, and only a scale will ever tell the truth, and only you can decide what is comfortable for you.
  • Look at the yellow sticker inside the door and see what your weight carrying capacity is. Subtract 3-400 pounds for the extra suspension and bigger tires and wheels. I would bet you are WAY over loaded. Do you have E rated tires? What is the tire size and rear axle ratio?
  • I think if your rear lift is with blocks, the type that goes between the spring and rail should work. Another option to consider is Sumosprings or Timbrens or Superstrings.
  • And kinda like Mitch said, I might prepare to be a bit disappointed in how it handles. I have lifted trucks. I have had truck campers.
    I do alot of shizz with trucks that many people wont.
    I would not want a TC on a lifted truck unless it was a lighter TC on a heavy duty truck.
    IMO, a lightweight camper like you have would work pretty well on a HD lifted truck.
    Not saying it's prohibitive, just temper your expectations.
  • Daystar cradle doesn't account for the lift, it allows the bag to not affect suspension travel as much.
    Since you just have rear lift blocks, your spring to frame distance hasn't changed, correct?

    You need, at a minimum, bags, sway bar and preferably lower stable loads (easy to make these as well).

    Those 3 things together is about as good as you can do with stock springs. And it should be "ok" but not great, especially with the lift and big tires working against you.
    I would be more inclined to add a very stout set of helper springs (and a sway bar) or a good set of HD lift springs. Both of which will help alot with the camper, but make it ride like a HD truck when empty.
    I would only haul that camper on a 9.75" rear axle. If you have the little axle (8.8?), you don't got enough @ss for the checks you're trying to cash!
  • Lifted trucks and a top heavy slide in camper is not really going to be a good combo IMO.. But, I guess that depends on where you intend to take the thing, how you plan to drive with it, etc..

    The air bags will help keep the 'sag' out of the rear of the rig, but do next to nothing for the top heavy stability of such a combo.

    I'd be questioning that combo on a stock height truck, but then I don't have any experience with 'lifted' trucks, as that's the last thing I would do to a truck that I wanted to use for towing or hauling a heavy camper with.

    They are fine for off road and riding high in the air for sure.. I do like a nice lifted truck..

    But, for 'fun' only..

    Anyway, good luck with the venture! Mitch
  • Welcome to the forum. No answers for you except Firestones have worked well for me. Your inquiries seem very specialized IMO.