DutchmenSport wrote:
Mor/ryde steps:
If the outside ground is too low, you have to put blocks under the steps so they have something solid to rest on. You absolutely cannot use them if they are not touching the ground on something solid.
If the ground is too high, you can't adjust them any shorter. What happens, they are not completely "down", so where the steps lap over the threshold of the door, if that is not completely flat, you can't shut the door. (I've not run into this yet, but it is possible).... But I have had the feet adjusted too high and found the door will not shut as the bottom of the door will hit the step frame.
They are VERY solid and can hold an incredible amount of weight.
These steps were a selling point for my choice of TT.
I have had my TT sink into my yard, jamming the door with the step top hinge;(
I pulled the foot pins, jammed the foot supports in to "hang" the steps, open the door, stow the steps and move the TT onto wide boards to prevent that sinking feeling.
I learned at a hilly CG site to now ALWAYS open the door and lower the steps prior to disconnecting from the TV to insure I don't have to raise BOTH sides of the leveled TT for step/door use.
I bring a lot of leveling blocks so I'm prepared if needed to have some under the step feet.
One pro not mentioned is that they are larger than many other steps for easier and safer use.