You will hear from both sides and many will try to justify the over the top prices they paid for LEDs that were manufactured in China but sold by US based retailers. After some research, I did a full LED conversion on our rig 3 seasons ago and purchased from forum recommended US and China sellers. Other than the major difference in price, all LEDs were of good quality and have performed their jobs well for 3 years. So many of today's consumer electronics are made from Asian sources (like the HP laptop I'm using) and like anything else, there are some great products and there is some******out there. LED lighting is an important mod for those of us who camp off the grid often and is worth $290, but I wouldn't opt for it as I have found that it can be done for much less. So many of the options offered by RV manufacturers are overpriced, and in many cases use inferior products. I have performed these mods myself utilizing high-grade equipment ultimately delivering superior results and proving to cost much less in the long run.