Forum Discussion

abc40kids's avatar
Jul 08, 2014

Crossroads Rushmore Washington RF39WA

Looking at this one at a local dealer, it's a 2013 and has everything I want but the 6 point level. Those that own one, what are your thoughts about Crossroads and specifically this Rushmore line. Thanks
  • Took a ride to check out the Rushmore and ended up spending the whole time looking at the Grand Design Solitudes.... Very nice! I asked why there were only three Rushmores on the lot, they said they weren't selling them any more. The Grand Design's are built by x--Keystone higher ups, new company they started. They were very nice, I'll keep my eye on them.
  • I own a CrossRoads product. Lost the camper for 2 fall camping seasons (2012 and 2013) - RV has spent 6 months in for repairs. I think the design in the bed slide mechanism has finally been fixed (had significant design issues - SCHWINTEK IN-WALL SLIDE System). Have not lost any camping time this season so far.

    If it has the SCHWINTEK IN-WALL SLIDE System (rails and gears)- I would not make the purchase. They have made allot of changes in the staff at the factory and the quality may have improved. Hopefully they replaced the entire engineering - design staff with one that knows how to make quality RVs.
  • Thanks, appreciate the input, think the wife still wants another bunkhouse model, there is a Forest River Sabre I was looking at, 36 foot, my current fifth wheel is 40, not sure I want to go smaller.
  • We have a 2011 model which, with a few exceptions, overall is pretty good quality. Given the amount of bad reports about them lately, however, I do not think I'd buy another.
  • I thought i read somewhere that they temporarily discontinued production until they worked some of the snags out of it. If it's a 2013 model that still hasn't sold..I'm thinking I might look elsewhere rather than take a chance..

  • I would go check out the Crossroads Owners Forum and do some searching on the Rushmore. They had a lot of issues in the 2012-2013 model years. We have some friends that own one that would love to unload it.
  • I do not own one, however I was talking with the dealer where we purchased our Columbus & commented on how nice a Rushmore 5er looked. He said they were a nice looking RV but he was going to stop handling them after that one was sold. I asked why & he said they had too many QC issues & he couldn't recommend them until they improved QC. He said it took way longer to prep it on arrival & there were too many issues after the sale. He sells a lot of Montana's & thought the Rushmore would be a good alternate choice until he sold a few.

    This is 2nd hand info but it is what he said. He also stated he would try them again after the factory rep could assure him of better QC.