May-28-2018 04:31 AM
May-30-2018 04:43 AM
May-29-2018 09:11 AM
May-28-2018 04:22 PM
May-28-2018 12:57 PM
BB_TX wrote:
If you plan to never use them and there is easy access to where they are tapped into the rest of the water system, I would either cap them off or put in a shutoff valve in each line to eliminate possible stagnant water in them. Mine are connected to the water lines under the bathroom vanity and would be relatively easy to do either. But we have a washer and use them.
May-28-2018 12:25 PM
May-28-2018 11:55 AM
RobWNY wrote:
I knew the dealer wasn't telling me the right thing. Why de-winterize and then not winterize the following fall. It made no sense to me. I think I'll do what tropical_ron does but instead of using a bucket, I'll just run the hoses out the bedroom window and let the anti-freeze go in the lawn. It's biodegradable and harmless to grass.
May-28-2018 08:54 AM
May-28-2018 08:41 AM
May-28-2018 08:03 AM
May-28-2018 06:25 AM
May-28-2018 06:19 AM
sch911 wrote:
On our MH those lines drain nicely when the low point drain is open. Then I use the blow out method without antifreeze. I open all valves one by one including those two when the system is being blown out.
May-28-2018 06:13 AM
May-28-2018 05:48 AM
May-28-2018 05:40 AM