Aug 27, 2018Nomad
Simple Chuck
Well, I picked up an early Christmas gift the other week, and finally had a chance to try it out.. We have very hard well water and it ALWAYS leaves water spots, tons of water spots.. SO up till now, I would have to hand dry the fiver after washing if I didn’t want to see any water spots.
I picked up the Simple Chuck and gave it a twirl today... WHAT A PRODUCT ! ! ! I washed in direct sun used their Soap, it’s Called SUDS’ N SHINE and I have ZERO water spots... NONE !! It saved me about 2 hours, 3 Advil, and a lot of pain... Just rinse and walk away.

edited to correct spelling, grammar, and everything else that was wrong after re-reading.
I picked up the Simple Chuck and gave it a twirl today... WHAT A PRODUCT ! ! ! I washed in direct sun used their Soap, it’s Called SUDS’ N SHINE and I have ZERO water spots... NONE !! It saved me about 2 hours, 3 Advil, and a lot of pain... Just rinse and walk away.

edited to correct spelling, grammar, and everything else that was wrong after re-reading.