Forum Discussion

captron33's avatar
Aug 27, 2020

12 volt power tripped

Twice today our 12 volt main power switch tripped off. What could be causing this?
  • ArchHoagland wrote:
    Two people have mentioned seeing a picture.

    I don't see any pictures, just his statement.

    What am I missing?

    Hit the "view profile" button on his entry to see the photo.
  • Two people have mentioned seeing a picture.

    I don't see any pictures, just his statement.

    What am I missing?
  • Looks like a Monaco??

    If you are having to reset the switch near the entry then your cutoff solenoid may be failing.

    The solenoid is most likely below the driver in the outside compartment and inside a large black plastic box. Bottom left corner. It is a latching relay and a common problem. Replace the solenoid or just stack all the wires from one side of the large connections to the other for either a temporary or permanent fix. Many just bypass it and forget it.

    check these threads
  • Which switch are we talking?
    The battery disconnect? Look at failing control switch.
    Circuit breaker? What amperage rating? You could be having some device failing like a light fixture ballasts.
    Nice photo on Icefields Highway!
  • Are you referring to a std 12 volt auto reset breaker? Some come with button to push and some don't. If so - I would start with replacing the breaker (inexpensive) which would at least rule out the basics.