Desert Captain wrote:
"I like that size MH and layout you have. Does the rear storage bay go under the bed to the other side? I notice the new ones don't have that large door in the rear. Also you said the Chevy had less power than the Ford I thought the Chevy had 323 HP and the Ford 305? In your size MH is the CCC better in the Ford? "
The rear storage bay goes under the rear queen, about 6' deep but not out to the other side. As I recall the Chevy has less torque not certain on the HP assuming we are talking their 6 liter V-8.
My E-350 has over 3k# of payload/CCC and I use most of it as I carry lots of tools, toys, have tongue weight when towing the cargo trailer, etc. As noted I have absolutely no use for auto levelers either which saves a lot of weight and headaches.
When we were shopping the floorplan was paramount as I was {and still am} dead set against slides which = a lot less weight and aggravation. Our coach is probably one of the roomiest {non slide} Class C's under 25' as it is 101" wide and has a full 7' of headroom throughout the coach.
We don't have grandkids and no longer have the pooch so it is just my bride and I. At 5' 1" and 5' 9" we are not large folks and Ford fits us perfectly. I love the power driver's seat which is so comfortable that even long days are easily done. Having been boaters for nearly 40 years we are of the minimalist persuasion. We have had the Nexus for nearly 6 years and 50K trouble free miles and are looking forward to many more.
Thanks for the report a lot of helpful information. I have been looking at smaller MH's, started looking at TC's but quickly learned that you need a very large DRW truck if you wanted a camper with some room, a 450 truck(which most says you need) alone costs more than a small Class C which has more room more storage and generally more CCC.