Forum Discussion

HighwayJunky's avatar
Feb 13, 2022

2015 Itasca Ellipse 42QD

Smelling a slight burn-off from diesel fumes after servicing. Started thinking I might need to check our Carbon Monoxide detector BUT I can't locate it. Any ideas where it might be, where is yours located?

Also, after servicing your Aqua Hot system do you smell any burn-off of diesel?
  • On our 2011 Ellipse 42QD it is on the of wall of the fridge cabinet, near the floor facing the dining table. And yes, I have had what I would describe as "diesel burn-off" after my last Aqua-hot service. I know that I lost a bit more diesel from the lines than usual as I was pulling the burner and nozzle assembly out for service so I attributed the brief smell to the bit extra fuel that was left.