Forum Discussion

seahunter_1's avatar
Jul 30, 2014

98 safari Cat diesel ,,module in battery bay ??

'98 safari Sahara Cat diesel 3126 ,,,,Magnum chassis .
Won't start ,,technician thinks it's the module in the battery bay ?? Has anyone had this
Problem and where do I get a module for my old coach ?
Thanks to all
  • OK, back to basics: What is voltage at the chassis battery?

    Are you storing it indoors? outdoors? 120 VAC shore power available? Solar panels?
  • With dead batteries (Chassis) NOTHING is going to work. Is it possible its' onle a shorted battery (Chassis)?.
  • The engine lights are very dim ( I think something is draining my new batteries ) and the Allison push button pad just shows a squiggly line on it ,,,not P for park .Also when turning on the key ,,the engine intake air heater doesn't light up . Initially it turned over a couple times but only when I pushed the boost button on the dash ,,,then even that went dead . My house batteries are fine ( I think ) ,,,but my starting batteries seem to have gone dead . This is the third time this has happened to me ,,I actually had a for sale ad put in Used Victoria ,,not knowing the rv won't even start ,,,how embarrassing that would have been . So the mechanic seems quite certain it is the module in the battery bay ,,,,I have no idea what that is ,,,what it does or where would I get one for a 98 Safari Sahara 30ft diesel pusher ?? Any help much appreciated .summer is slipping by and my rig hasn't made it out of the storage yard ,
    If anyone wants a Safari cheap ,,let me know ,it's gotta go .
  • my 95, does not have a "module" in the battery bay
    it DOES have a wire on the engine / chassis batteries that goes to the Allison transmission

    if not connected, the engine start is "locked out"
    did you move any wires, change any battery connections
    mine has a fuse holder in that wire, a bad fuse will cause a lock out
  • More info, please.

    Will the engine turn over? At normal speed?

    Does it try to fire/start?

    Have you pumped the manual pump on the primary fuel filter? Is it hard or easy to pump? If easy, pump until very firm.

    If it does not turn over, are the dash gauges illuminated? Allison shift pad?
  • What transmission?
    I had the same with my 93 Safari DP through Allison 6 speed and it was a fault in the transmission ICU.
    Turn the key on but wouldn't crank