Forum Discussion

popeye766's avatar
Sep 01, 2013

A/C in basement compartments.

Has anyone air conditioned one of their thru side to side basement compartments to carry perishables? If so enlighten us on how you did it.
  • Executive wrote:
    I knew a fella that did that for his perishables, but I don't know how he did it. His coach was impounded coming through the border checkpoint after one of the dogs got a I can't check out his coach, and he only got one phone call and that wasn't to I dunno....:B:B....Dennis
    It's legal here up north Dennis new Washington State Law, and the Feds said they are going to stay out of it as long as children and gangsters stay out of it! Those that are into that are just puffing away and the cops could care less! Won't be long in IMHO before the roads really become unsafe!
  • You need to cut through to the vent system, run a pipe and have shutoff on it so when you go to Yuma and its 123 outside you aren't cooling it then. You just need to know where the vents for AC run. However, perishables are just that.
  • HA HA Dennis I get your drift......Just wondered what someone else may do...If I wanted to install A/c in the basement Id do it somehow.....don't see the need now ,just wondered.....
  • I haven't checked but since my A/C (heat pump)is already in the basement it may already keep cool. I know it stays warm enough that nothing freezes down there.
  • I knew a fella that did that for his perishables, but I don't know how he did it. His coach was impounded coming through the border checkpoint after one of the dogs got a I can't check out his coach, and he only got one phone call and that wasn't to I dunno....:B:B....Dennis