time2roll wrote:
13.2+ is charging fine. 12.6 or less is not charging.
Can't tell much from just one reading.
13.2 is floating. If it never goes above that, then that won't be charging much or at all either.
Read batteries before plugging in and several hours after shutting engine off. 12.x
Less than 12 and you already have a problem.
Plug in shore power. Each set of battries likely will read around 14.5 after a few minutes. That is charging.
After 48 hours or so, both sets likely will read around 13.2. That is maintenance float voltage and if both sets do this, then you have no problem. Leave everything on and don't worry.....except checking the electrolyte level in the batteries occasionally....if they have removable caps.
If one set does not follow this pattern, that set needs a tender.
However, on my two units....a Ford C and a GM A, the chassis battery was fine for 3 months doing nothing to it. The house batteries were too by operating the disconnect switch.