Forum Discussion

Robert_Burcham's avatar
Jun 06, 2013

Battery cross connect relay clicking

When connected to shore power and the charge light is on, on the inverter control pannel. My cross connecrt relay clicks every few min, stayes engaged just a few seconds than dropes back out. I know it is the cross connect relay when I push the cross connect switch on the dash the same relay energizes. I have a 2001 Mountain High Summit,this problem came about a year ago and I replaced the house batries and it seemed to go away for a few months. We have been on the road 6 months this time. The battries test good. Has anyone seen this problem?
  • Think I found the problem. After checking the battries (one at a time), checking all connections for corrosion and the relay contacts.
    Much time invested! Finally read the book. The low voltage settimng on the control pannel was set to 14 Volt. It seems that if the coach battries drop below 13.8 at this setting the relay energizes and charges the coach battreis with the house battries. I dropped the setting to 13.5 now it should energize at 11.8 volt on the house battries. The clicking stopped and all battries are staying up.
    Thanks so very much for your input. Hope this may help someone else.
    Thanks Again
    Bob B
  • When you push (and hold) the "cross connect" switch, does the relay drop out after a few seconds or will it stay energized as long as you hold the switch closed? If it drops out during this procedure, it's probably a heat related problem with the relay coil and needs to be replaced.

    If it holds, and doesn't drop out, then you know the problem is with the circuits/conditions that energize the relay or you converter voltage is dropping too low to keep the relay picked.

    Check the output of your inverter/charger with a VOM. It should remain above 13.2 at all times when plugged in. Also, check your battery voltages after they have rested (not plugged in for awhile) They should retain a voltage above 12.4 or 12.6 for a very long time after charge voltage is removed. If they rop too fast, they are probably weak/bad