Dusty R wrote:
I figure 10 years on an engine battery.
It really depends on how well you treat it -- 3 - 5 years is typical for a car or light truck battery that gets daily use. An RV chassis battery is usually used a lot less than a car battery so *can* last longer if you take care of it well, but a lot of people don't -- like it gets stored for months at a time out in the heat/cold without a charge, water isn't replenished or replenished with mineral laden tap water, it gets deeply discharged during camping when someone forgot to unplug the backup camera after parking, etc. So many cars come with maintenance free batteries these days that many people don't even know that they have to check the battery water level.
In my case, the water was so low in my new (4 year old used) RV battery that the water was well below the plates in a couple of the cells -- I found this out when I was doing the delivery inspection and noticed that the engine turned over slowly and got them to throw in $100 towards a new battery (they said they'd replace it for free, but I didn't want them to put in a cheap battery). I suspect they noticed the bad battery and relied on the boost switch, but thought I wouldn't.