Common problem on MOHO's and full paint fifth wheels. Sand it, mask for at least 3 to 4 feet below, shoot it with two coats of base and 4 coats of clear 10 minutes apart. Make your first coat of clear a little lighter. Practice if you must on another surface. If you screw up and cause a run. LEAVE IT. You won't notice it after a week. Get the paint and the Spray Max 2K from an autobody supply shop. That way they will be compatible. DON'T sand after. You probably won't have to buff it out. Just wait a month or two and give a good polish then wax. Really not that hard or that much work. Total cost for a 40 foot unit under a 100 bucks...and your time. :)
Good luck...have fun with it...don't fall off the ladder. :)