Forum Discussion

supercub's avatar
Jan 24, 2016

Cummins Electronic Control Module ???

I have an 04 Fleetwood Revolution with a Cummins 8.3 ISC 350hp engine. I took it to an RV shop because I was getting a check engine light. They determined that the ECM was bad. The local Cummins shop had one and they did the reprogramming of the new unit. The trouble is, the odometer in the motorhome went to zero. It does record the mileage when I drive, but instead of showing around 40,000 miles, it's showing a few miles LOL. Took it back to the RV shop that did the work, and they have contacted Cummins. Cummins says the ECM has nothing to do with the odometer mileage in the motorhome. So, the local RV shop is trying to track down more info. Anyone have a similar problem, or any ideas?? Thanks
  • Canadian Rainbirds, all I can say is the tech that finally got my odometer reset said, that "sometimes on motorhomes it works". The final tech that worked on it, did have a different mind set then the previous tech and service writer. Both of them said it couldn't be done. So boiled down to getting the right person that knew what he was doing. They also mentioned that if this hadn't worked, that they would look into sending the odometer over to a shop and have it set....luckily we didn't get that far. My odometer is a separate round, about 2" diameter gauge.
  • Very glad to see the solution! We had a similar thing happen in October 2008 at Redding CA. We had a bad oil pressure sensor up near Hat Creek on the way to Susanville. Freightliner replaced it then sent the rig to the almost next door Cummins shop (who had referred us to Freightliner!) to have the ECM reset to recognise the new oil sensor. Odometer then read ZERO!

    This was a Friday afternoon at closing time! They messed about for more than an hour then said to come back Monday when their tech support on the east coast would be open. We were on our way to Mexico and already several days behind schedule so we said we'd see them in the spring on our way home. We keep a daily log so we had a record of what the mileage should have been(30,920Mi or 48,910Km) and hit the road at 6:10 PM.

    Flash to March 2009: Back at Cummins, unable to do anything. We were told that the tech had made an error and should have recorded and saved the ECM data in his laptop before resetting it. He hadn't so the previous data had been overwritten and was unrecoverable. I wonder how much luck I'll have now going back to the shop to get the right mileage put back in? It now reads 114,450 Km (71,118 miles) and should read 163,360Km (101,510 miles). Hmmmmmm. :h
  • I would have thought it was a Freightliner issue since they installed the engine. Cummins wouldn't know what the axle ratio or tire size was when they manufactured the engine.
  • Follow up: Redlands Truck and RV who did the install of the ECM finally convinced Cummins to take another look at the programming of the ECM (ECM was purchased and programmed by Cummins) Took the motorhome over to Cummins this morning, one of the Service writers said this was a waste of time, but had one of the techs come out. Tech told the service writer that in some cases you can program the mileage back in. Anyway, after a few minutes loading the computer, the tech programmed the mileage in and "presto" mileage was showing correctly. So from Friday morning to Tuesday morning, finally got the right tech at Cummins who got the job done. Was a frustrating problem, for me and for Redlands Truck and RV, trying to get someone at Cummins who could fix the problem. Redlands Truck and RV were great in helping solve the problem. Thanks to everyone....especially Rolando at Redlands.
  • cummins ecms don't have a separate mileage chip everything is internal in a sealed ecm the insterment cluster is fed from a data link directly from the ecm this includes the speedo, tach oil pres and engine temp. if the new ecm was programed by cummins without having the old ecm and or if the ecm was totally dead and would not communicate then it was probably programed using only the ecm code if that is the case then all of the customer parameters need to be programed. the rear axle ratio and the tire revolutions per mile and the number of teeth on the trans sensor need to be accurate for the speedo and milage to be accurate. it is a good idea for anyone with an electronic engine to get a printout of the customer specified parameters at some time when they are in a shop with cummins insite for a cummins engine or cat et for a cat it makes it a lot easier to get everything set back like it was if the ecm totally fails
  • Executive wrote:
    For Sale : 04 Fleetwood Revolution -- VERY LOW MILES --:B:B:B:B....Dennis

    Exactly...........except, I don't want to sell it. I told a saleman the other day at Quartzsite that I have the lowest mileage 04 Rev in the world.
  • For Sale : 04 Fleetwood Revolution -- VERY LOW MILES --:B:B:B:B....Dennis
  • That would be a question for Cummins forum.
    The mileage chip can not be erased by any shop computer, so sounds like mechanics replaced original odometer chip with new one in the process.
    Different manufacturer put those chips in different location. Sometimes it is on the transmission, sometimes it plug into instrument cluster.
    So the shop should find out what chip and where - then need to pull it from old unit and install on new one.