Bill.Satellite wrote:
It uses 96 total watts for what time period? Does the ice maker draw any noticeable power at all? My guess is no. Fill the tray with water. Sit there for an hour or so. Turn the gear that spits out the cubes. Repeat. Opening the door will likely cause a larger draw than an ice maker in any fridge.
Actually the ice maker will spike a power demand due to the heating element that will come on during end of a cycle to free the cubes from the mold. Not sure what the wattage might be but suspect a couple of hundred per cycle. Over riding the cycle will save energy.
Another high power consumer associated with a fridge is the frost free feature. Another heating element that comes on from time to time to warm the freezer slightly to knock down any frost that might form.
If possible disabling both for the time periods when exclusively operating off stored energy will help along with limiting how often and how long you have a door open. Personally unless I was on the edge of not being able to get thru a night running off batteries I wouldn't worry about either.