Forum Discussion

NorthOrSouth's avatar
Aug 13, 2014

Eliminating wander, improving steering, Roadmaster chassis

92 40' Monaco with the Roadmaster chassis, eight air bags, eight shocks.

Noticed on the way home from purchase (3200 miles) that the steering is a bit looser than I'd like. Not sure how tight one can expect but this rig only has 16,000 miles on it so I was expecting no play in the steering wheel but there is a bit - enough to keep me on my toes to keep the widebody between the lines.

It has brand new Samson tires on front and the two outer duals. The inside duals are the former steering tires but I wouldn't think that would have much effect.

Tires were all a bit low. Raised fronts from 95 to 110 and rears from 90 to 100 as per the specs. Slight change but not much.

Shocks need replacing. All eight of them I suspect as she porpoises too much. This will definitely smooth the ride but don't think it's going to make much difference in wander.

So now I'm down to checking a few things. Got the wife to wiggle the steering wheel and it does *appear* that the drivers side tire moves before the passenger tire, so that would indicate a loose tie rod, but its such a small difference its hard to tell.

Not sure if this model has an adjustable tightening in the steering box but at 16,000 miles (pavement only) I'd be really surprised if it was steering box wear.

Any other things to check? Anything I'm missing? Don't really know much about the Roadmaster chassis but what's it's reputation for this kind of thing? How tight can I expect to get the steering?
  • wa8yxm wrote:
    I prefer one where you can re-center from the drivers seat since sometimes..... you might like that feature. (Steady cross wind, sloped road.. and such)

    Is that the Safe T Steer? I was just looking at that. Looks like a great idea.

    Mine doesnt wag, and the sway isn't much on the highway but its HUGE going through a pothole in a parking lot at 5 mph. You think the dishes are going to eject from the cupboards!
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Things you can do
    Shocks: Upgrade
    Sway: (Side to side rocking, like fans at a rock concert swaying side to side holding their BICs) Sway bars may need upgrade (or not in my case)

    Wag (Like the tail of a dog,, in this case the rear end moves left, while usually the front end moves right, makes you think you are not going straight down the road, then they sway.. you keep compensating.. Reason. leaf spring suspension and solid front axle,, Solution TRAC BAR also called Pan Hard bar,, This locks the body over the center of the axle and 100% prevents this, you can use two, front and rear, most folks do rear first, I did front.

    Stablier, Assorted devises using springs, detents or gas schocks all attempt to hold the steering cenetered.. All help ... I prefer one where you can re-center from the drivers seat since sometimes..... you might like that feature. (Steady cross wind, sloped road.. and such)

    Everything you want to know should be in these two topics.

    I have new shocks, sway bars, ride enhancement check valves, ride height set, and had two alignments and also have the safe t plus. Recently installed the X bars shown in one of the threads. I would do the X bar and shocks before adding the sway bars. However I am very glad I have them. Made a huge difference.

    My unit is a 2008 Endeavor. Holiday Rambler that is.

    The last annoying bit of the S turning beast is slop in the steering box which is addressed in one of the links. Getting excellent reports on the change out being done.

    Skim read the Wandering Sway thread till you get towards the end. This has been going on for a couple of years and the group has made some astounding improvements and discoveries.
  • They are very sensitive to toe ± on the alignment. Mine had a wander to it and the tire shop put a small positive toe in and it took all wander out and has NOT affected the rest of the alignment, or tire wear.
  • sjholt wrote:
    Go over to and look on the Monaco forum.
    Lots of info there.

    Very helpful. Thank you.
  • Go over to and look on the Monaco forum.
    Lots of info there.