Forum Discussion

Bar_H's avatar
Jul 19, 2014

Engine Monitior

Ok Iam looking to the Silver Leaf VMSPC.
For my FRED, Anyone purchaced on latly?
Is it best to buy from the company or is there a store online?

Thanks Jesse
  • It is not really to big and gives much more information than what the picture shows. You can get it to monitor your tires too as well as your temps. If you have a retarder that is important. Also it will print out the set cruse speed and your speed. I find I look at that more then the gauges as it has more information in a glance. I also noticed i was running a bit too hot when I looked at the history of the coach on the same trip. I also noticed my transmission was hotter then my engine at times when I was just running. I needed a new radiator and I got to pick the place rather then have it fail on me. I have looked at trouble codes and knew I could keep driving or if I had to head to a cummins facility. IT is a great tool and in the newer FTs they put in in the dashboard as a glass dash. I have the turbo boost as well as oil pressure and temp and mileage for the day and the tank and for the whole trip as well as other stuff that keeps us running smoothly.
  • gatorcq wrote:
    It is just too big and get's in the way of driving as a distraction. Think about it. We guys always want to look at it.

    I installed a ScanGaugeD, and use it only for water temp, RPM, Speed in place of the analog gauges.

    If I need trouble-shooting coded it has it. Trip function great.

    This is my thought too. I personally would not want that large of a screen anywhere near the top or, sides of my dash. It's a personal preference. If it works for the people that use it, that's great. I have the factory installed "Medallion Information Center" built into the dash, in our '04 Itasca Horizon, 36GD with the C-7 330 CAT. It displays all of what's needed and, is not intrusive on the top of the dash. I also have what's called the "Trip-Tek" information and display system. It is an overlay that's displayed on the backup monitor and also puts vital engine, trans, mileage and more info. So, I've got way more redundancy than I care to admit. Again, it's a preference thing. Each one has to choose what they like.
  • It is just too big and get's in the way of driving as a distraction. Think about it. We guys always want to look at it.

    I installed a ScanGaugeD, and use it only for water temp, RPM, Speed in place of the analog gauges.

    If I need trouble-shooting coded it has it. Trip function great.
  • Same problem here with the wireless system, would drop the signal every few minutes and have to be reset. They set me a new wireless one and a hardwired one to try out. Same problem again with the wifi version. The hardwired one has not shutdown in over 4,000 miles. So I shipped the 2 wifi versions back. Cost of my system (cable, interface and software) at an FMCA show direct from Silverleaf was $395 last September and they set it up in our Phaeton. I run the Silverleaf split screen with Delorme Street Atlas on my Acer netbook.
  • I also purchased mine from (same a DSDP Don). Also note that you will need to determine the proper connector before buying.

    05 Travel Supreme Envoy
  • Also bought mine directly from the factory.
    Originally I bought the wireless version but had trouble getting it to work. They quickly swapped it for the regular wired version and Customer Service helped me get it up and running in 10 min.

    I love the SilverLeaf Monitor and built a carputer to run the Monitor along with a DeLorme GPS Navigator and a Hauppauge adapter, to replace the Rear & Side Camera monitors. We use Verizon 4G to access the Internet and it all runs on one PC. We were watching approaching Thunder Storms as we drove across the middle of Wyoming.

    I ran out of screen space on the 19" monitor, so I added a second screen. Now the co-pilot runs the keyboard and I get to turn the steering wheel and push on the pedals. Life is Good!

    Details? Build List? PM me.
  • Bar H.....There are a couple of ways to buy the Silverleaf system. If you buy one of their boxes, they're VERY expensive. A lot of people just use a laptop or tablet and buy the cable. The Silverlea VMSpc program is free. You can download it to any computer and actually configure it the way you want ie: analog gauges, digital gauges or bar graphs.

    If you decide to use your own computer, you can shop prices from a couple of RV vendors for the cable. The cable is about $300.00. Here is a vendor Silverleaf

    Here is a photo of mine.

  • I got mine directly from silverleaf. It works very well.