Forum Discussion

Bordercollie's avatar
Jan 23, 2022

Gumout VS Seafoam Additives

I have never used Seafoam or Gumout additives in our Class C but watched a You Tube video that said that Seafoam is no longer beneficial with the alcohol in today's gasolines. Gumout was recommended. Informed opinions?
  • OP, there is nothing incompatible with ethanol fuels in seafoam.
    Although it begs the question what your intended use of it is for.
    And if you’ve never used or needed or think you’ve needed a fuel injector cleaner or fuel stabilizer, what condition are you trying to fix with it?
    You might need nothing or you might need something different or ???
  • Yep another one for Techron.
    Years ago bought a used Toyota pickup from an elderly gentleman with 42K miles.
    Said he never drove it out on the freeway just putted it around town and used the same non brand gas station.
    It did pass smog but idled rough , it was a 5speed and while idling in neutral the shifter was shaking pretty bad.
    At the time Chevron only put the Techron in the Premium grade , I was doing a run over to the coast so I filled it up with Premium and added a bottle of the Techron additive too.
    Drove the 176 miles over to the coast , around the town the next day.
    Fueled up again Chevron Premium and added another bottle of Techron.
    Once back home engine purring like new and the shifter not even a twitch.

    Probably a little over kill on the Techron ? But that sold me on it.
  • There is a mech on you tube and he said the same about the mentioned fuel cleaners/additives. He recommended the use of ROYAL purple to clean the injectors etc. My son has a escalade that developed a slight miss I told him to try as he4 had no codes. Added the big can and he drove and things did improve bought him a bottle of the same stuff to add at 2d fill up. Said it runs real well now. Wife has a 01 accord that has 100000+ on it and it was kinda sluggish added the same stuff for 2 fillups and its a totally different car now. More pep and power.

    big can around $15 at autozone, small bottle around $7 atwally world/oriellys.
  • Seafoam was invent back in the 30s (?) To reduce carbon build up in 2 stroke outboards (back then they would mix 24:1 or richrecommendser). Primary active ingredient is napthw.

    Gumout makes multiple different fuel additive that have different chemicals so they ARE DIFFERENT !

    A "friend of a friend" actually is a chemist in the fuels and lubes industry. For a "fuel system cleaner" he recommends anything with polyether amine (PEA). The most common PEA additive is Techron, but some Gumout products also have PEA.

    "Top Tier" fuel should be all you need. When I towed, I did use Premium fuel going through mountains, mostly for peace of mind.

    E10 fuel does NOT reduce the effectiveness of either. Those additive do nothing to prevent fuel icing.