Bruce, I would suggest that you call Randy at 888-828-1893, his web site is Explain your problem and he will let you know what you need to replace your old unit. I am not sure if you have a power management system or a PDC, power distribution system. I've got a feeling what you need is a transfer switch and distribution panel. Normally the distribution center can be used if you replace the transfer switch. Like I asked earlier, is the part you need the fuse and circuit braker panel?
Call Randy and talk to him. When I bought a new converter for my electrical, he gave me detailed instructions and drawings for the changeover. Delivery was very fast and he may ship express, I don't remember. He'll need to know if you have a 30 or 50 amp service and model of stuff that needs replacing.
Good Luck and if you need help or moral support, PM me and I'll give you my phone number or call you.
PS; Colaw RV's number is 877-548-2123 and they have some PowerTek stuff for sale.
PPS; Reread your reply, and I think all you want is the transfer switch. If this is correct by a new one from any RV supply shop or call Randy and ask him to send you a PD 5100 or 5200 series switch for either 50 or 30 amps whichever you have.