ducksquasher wrote:
Question...when we say 33% off is that what they have already marked it down or the original "MSRP"?
As an example, I am looking at a Class C that has an MSRP of $112,000 and they have it on sale for $89,000. 33% off MSRP would be $75,000...Is 33% off of the MSRP or "on sale" asking price?
Your stead-fast offer should be $74,000. You need to say "$74,000 (not $75k) and I will buy that rig right now" and then follow through and buy-it-now if he gives it to you at that price. Don't make an offer that you don't intend on following through on. Your offer must be a serious one with an immediate sale if they agree to it. So know up front your financial situation, what you can afford, etc. If they don't meet it, say that you are internet shopping and are confident you will find the right rig at the right price. Then thank him for his time, give him your phone number and say "call me if you change your mind. If I didn't buy one from elsewhere, I will buy yours". Then leave and go internet shopping.
Keep in-mind the 33% rule is with big brand names like Coachman who make thousands of rigs of various sorts in a given year with vast dealer networks around the country. Companies like Coach House, Lazy Daze, and Phoenix Cruiser who make one or two coaches per week and often selling factory direct, it goes from a frigging game to a negotiating process with a lot more "give" on your part.