Forum Discussion

smilintiger36's avatar
Feb 11, 2014

How to Remove a Dometic 1402 Refrig

I have a 2006 Beaver Monterey with a Dometic 1402 (4 door) refrig. I am trying to get the unit out of the alcove mount so I can replace the ice maker water line. I have the doors off, all back of the unit mounting screws removed. There are no upper screws in the front and the 2 lower side screws are removed. Unit is still completely tight, will not even wiggle. Monaco tech is no help at all, just says it should come out. Does anyone have experience or ideas..?????
  • Thanks for the info, good news is the unit is now loose and moving slowly. Bad news is how heavy the unit is.. I also did look at the 1402 manual and did find the anchor screw locations. Upper screws were never installed, but it leans back in the frame so the top is very tight. There was some old silicone on the right edge and finally got that loose with a knife as suggested. Since the unit is about 10.5" above the floor I have built a dolly with a 4 wheel furniture mover and will try to slide it directly onto those wheels. Now I have to figure out some way to make it slide easier going back in later.....
  • When I junked my Not-So-Cold and had the Samsung 197 installed the frig was held in by silicone all around the edge, removed all the screws and it still did not move. They used a thin knife to go around it then we pulled it out.
  • thanks for the note,,,, I did remove the upper door latch and cover that goes across the unit. It reveals 2 mount anchors going into the upper cabinet but there are no screws installed and no holes in the upper cabinet to indicate any screws were ever installed..... the unit is still rock solid in place.......