tderonne wrote:
Pretty sure you need a RAP90729 solenoid. They are unique to HWH, and fail quite often.
You remind me of the guy that shoots random holes in a wall and then paints a bulls eye around the closest clusters and proclaims what a great marksman he is:B I did not state they do not fail, I stated they RARELY fail. There are MILLIONS of those solenoids out in service and they rarely fail. The most common failure is they leak internally and the jack creeps up. Not a dead short. Also, if you want to destroy a Solenoid(cause a dead short), just leave the system in store and drive(which LOTS of RV'ers do) when a jack fails to fully retract or the down system fails and the Red light stays on. After about 30 minutes you can have all 4 solenoids burn up and require all 4 to be replaced. Doug
PS, your links are from a period of almost 8 to 10 years.