I wouldn't think twice about the mileage, at least it was not sitting around. Thor is not the highest quality, definitely inspect for leakage. Lift all cushions, pull back the curtains, look inside all cabinets, especially in the overhead. Delamination is easy to spot from the outside, that is a deal breaker imo.
Be wary of any RV that has coffee, dryer sheets, dessicant or other odor/moisture covering substances in it when you go look. Why are they there? Are they hiding something? Drop an overhead light or two and look up into the roof area. Clean? dry? evidence of mice? Pull the heater inlet vent and do the same down there. Any mice droppings?
Roof 'resealed' is vague. Was it just preventive maintenance? A little sealing here and there? A full re-coat of the roof?
My motorhome had a full new roof put on by the PO due to damage from a falling beam in their barn (so much for covered storage lol). They had pics and insurance documents backing it up so it seemed legit. But I do understand that a re-roof, any re-roof, is probably not as good as the original factory installation.
As to price, that's up to you. There's NADA, local market conditions, and you. Mostly it's up to what it's worth to you. Personally I don't mind 'overpaying' when I find the thing I want. I prefer that to getting a real good deal on something that's 'almost' what I want. To me, it's not overpaying if I'm ok with the price. It is, after all, my money.