So the latest on this.
I re-sealed the running lights. There was nothing wrong with the lights when I removed them, but to move things along I re-sealed them. I let the sealant cure for 2 days even though the instructions said it would be done in 24hrs. I water tested again. I did not spray any water on the running lights. It leaked in the same spot. I called the original glass company. the response was, "did you have the dealer look at the lights". No!
I told them the windshield needs to be removed and redone. The response was well if we do that it will break. They left it at they will talk to the owner of the company. Then a call back a few mins later asking what is the VIN#. I can only guess where this is going now.
I figure I will have to go with another company and send the old company the bill and then small claims court.