Forum Discussion

MSPUSMC's avatar
Jul 18, 2014

Newmar 3920 and 3921 Toy Haulers

Newmar came out with two toy hauler Canyon Stars, the 3920 and 3921. Our Allegro Bay FRED has been great, however, I'd love to have a toy hauler for my motorcycle, bicycles etc. The Canyon Star is on a Ford 2600 Lb chassis with a 6.8 Triton (415 CID) V10 3-Valve engine. Horsepower is 362 @4750 RPM and Torque of 452 ft ponds @3250 RPM. I believe this is the same chassis that is used on the Allegro Open Roads. I'm interested in knowing if this is sufficient power for a 39 foot RV and what kind of mileage other Ford Chassis owners have been getting towing a car. I've been told by "salesmen" that this RV should get 7-11 mpg. I'd like input on this please.

  • Sarahdove wrote:
    broccoli2... can I be nosey and ask where you purchased your Newmar? Tom Lindstrom's, Richardson's or Sky River?????

    I don't mind at all.... Tom Lindstrom's

    This is my 4th RV and my BEST experience with a any dealer including Cars, motorcycles and boat dealers. Tom is a super straight forward, no pressure, NO BS kinda a guy. They do not have a service center or huge fancy office but holly smokes what a deal. I drove to San Diego a few weeks back to look at another one and see what that dealer had to say. The pressure was intense and trying to get a real price out of them made me want to stab myself in the eyes with a pencil.. OK that was a bit dramatic but every time I asked how much it was the was response was, "how much do you need your payment to be" That went on all day.
  • broccoli2... can I be nosey and ask where you purchased your Newmar? Tom Lindstrom's, Richardson's or Sky River?????
  • PastorCharlie wrote:
    It has plenty of power BUT it will not get those MPG. Those are sales MPG not real life MPG.

    I just picked up my new 3921 and i'm not sure what you mean by "plenty of power". This thing is pretty heavy for the stock motor but, that will soon change
  • It has plenty of power BUT it will not get those MPG. Those are sales MPG not real life MPG.
  • 7 MPG average for me, plenty of power. I cannot see 9 MPG being possible and 11 MPG is a joke.