dougrainer wrote:
What do you mean 5 Junction boxes? Are you talking about the Freightliner/Sparten black boxes? If so, these have NOTHING to do with the Ignition key activated Dash accessories. The system that activates the Newmar Dash Accessories is NEWMAR installed as well as the Solenoid/relay. On your year model, you should have a Plexiglas covered Fuse/Relay panel above the Genset. This is the area of these controls you need fixed. HOW CAN YOU STATE RELAY'S/SOLENOIDS HAVE BEEN CHECKED AND ALL OPERATE?. Obviously the Acc solenoid is NOT operating. Either it is bad(stuck open) or the power wire to it has a blown fuse. The fuse is usually at the drivers area inside fuse block(frtliner or sparten). SOME models the Dash Chassis Fuse block is also inside that plexiglas covered panel. Doug
Common relays are not brain surgery. they are easy to show works or not, these all work when tested
the Newmar module you speak of was replaced.. simply ... it is not being turn on.
there are two 10 gauge wires labeled battery and ignition the battery shows 12 volts when the key is turned on. the ignition never shows 12volts either position Acc/IGN. the diesel runs fine.