kwplot34 wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
Did you check that thermistor/lamp assembly is plugged in and that contacts are clean tight?
Is thermistor properly attached to 10th FIN ?
With thermistor failure you can regulate/control fridge temps by changing temp set point Up (colder) or Down (less cold)
Moving temp set point regulates the 'length of cooling cycle' vs cyclic control based on temps
2016 model....even brand new stuff can fail
Yes things do fail, even new items. I did unplug the connector and plug it back in, no change, moved the sensor down the cooling fin, no change.
Moving thermistor doesn't affect that model of fridge
Changing the Temp Set Point will allow you to control fridge temps when in BOS
Food section too cold......lower the temp set point
Food section not cold enough.....raise the temp set point