Forum Discussion

RustyMacIntosh's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 23, 2019

On the road---Range hood--DOA--no Hot Water heater

I have a 95 Bounder f53 frame. We are out on the road. Just went to switch the light on over the stove, nothing, no fan, no light, and no HWHeater.

I've checked what few fuses I know of, the panel, looked under the hood of the coach, don't see anything and all fuses look good.

Ideas? Other than cold showers and returning home???
  • I checked the fuses in the panel, they all "looked" good. Taking a test lead I found one that was not producing power thru the fuse. Bingo....

    and I was ready to call this trip and head back home, I HATE cold showers.....but we all good now!
  • I have a 97 Bounder on the F53 chassis
    Fuse number '5' marked appliances , supplies the range hood, water pump, water heater, etc..
    Mine are numbered from right to left
    #1 far right, number #12 not used is far left
    Yeah backwards from normal
    Fuse circuit board looks like it was supposed to be used as vertical mount, top to bottom, but has been turned / mounted 90° clockwise
    Try new fuse in #5
    Otherwise time to open up the range hood to get at the wiring

    I see you found the problem
    You posted while I was typing my post
    Enjoy your trip
  • there is a fuse panel behind one of the cabinets and a circuit board with fuses under the hood of the coach,

    bingo...4th one down on the panel, I used a test light, got power on each wire but one,,,,20amp fuse, and bingo,,,

    WE GOT HOT WATER!!!!!!!!

    Gotta love online forums!:D
  • No fuses under the hood. Your coach works off House batteries. Lights, range hood are 12 volts. Furnace is 12 volts. WH has 12 volt control circuit. Fuses will be on the converter. You don't look at them to check. You use a multi-meter and confirm they are good. Is the converter turned ON? Is battery disconnect switch ON? Battery fully charged?