Forum Discussion

ezgoin's avatar
Dec 20, 2018

Phoenix area Emissions test

Phoenix RVers——

My MH is due for the Arizona Emissions test. The MH is on a 30’ Ford F-53 chassis. Can I take it to any emissions location?

I’ve looked on-line and the only info I can find just lists special locations for over 45’ length and 13’ height, neither of which apply to me.

  • Just one addition fyi. I'm in Tucson and only one of our ADEQ locations tests diesel RVs. We used to do the rear-wheels-on-the-rollers test but they have changed to what they call snap throttle. The attendant instructs you to floor it until he drops his hand. I just accelerate quickly to the governed speed and let off. They are measuring exhaust opacity.

    Also, I second the admonition about tight quarters. Your mirrors will be very close. The attendant directs you in but you never know.
    Good luck.
  • All Phoenix emission testing stations are capable of handling a motorhome under 45'. Those older stations without height clearances or dynos spaced to short have all been relocated to bigger quarters. Make sure you check the wait times (they all have live camera feeds for you to watch) before going to a specific station. No sense going to one with a long line of seniors and their motorhomes when another 12 miles away has nobody waiting. Also, you can't take a Maricopa county vehicle to a Pima station, Pima can be done in Maricopa county but not the other way around. Otherwise, no other county requires emissions..
  • Just be careful because it can be tight in there, the doors are rather narrow, at least the one I go to. Length and height are not an issue.
  • Good luck, hope it goes without a hickup!

    So happy that there will be no more tesing here after 12/31/18.
  • donn0128 wrote:
    Do HD vehicles actually need emission testing in AZ?

    Depends what County you are in. Some yes, like Maricopa and Pima. Not sure about Pinal. We are in Mohave County where there is no smog check on any vehicle