Forum Discussion

Big_Jimmy's avatar
Aug 26, 2021

Safe-T-Alert RV Carbon Monoxide/Propane detector

I have a 2011 Tiffin Allegro Open Road 32CA and plan to replace the exiting detector, my question is: Where is the fuse located? Thanks
  • Making sure all 12 vdc is off is the best way. But I just disconnected one wire from the old detector and taped it. Then the other and taped it. Then untaped one and connected it to the new detector. Then the same with the other wire.
  • My detector power comes from chassis auxilary fuse block. Mine has a solenoid to control propane flow. Unit activated by sensor.
  • I did exactly what DrewE described. Made sure the light was completely dim and went for it.
  • Drew has a good plan. The detector draws such little power that it probably isn't fused separately anyway.
  • Possibly in-line behind the detector, possibly one of the fuses in the main fuse panel, possibly a separate fuse or circuit breaker near the battery if it's on a circuit that isn't disconnected with the battery disconnect switch.

    I think the simplest plan for replacement is to disconnect all the 12V power (the negative lead from the house battery, unplug from AC so the converter is off, disable solar if you have that) and not need to worry about where the fuse is located. It's not a long and involved process, so you won't have a long power outage.