Walaby wrote:
I said it in the last thread, and I'll say it here. If there's a line, I don't rinse, as I figure it's just being courteous. Maybe the guy behind me isn't in a hurry, it really doesn't matter. To me it's just being courteous. Is the person behind me gonna be all upset because I took a few extra minutes.. maybe not. But I also don't leave my car in the gas line while I go take a whiz or buy something to eat or drink either.
We don't need another thread to know that folks feel differently about this. Some folks don't care or mind or think about the guys behind them because they are only taking a few extra minutes... others feel differently. It's not the end of the world either way.. It's okay to be courteous, and I don't feel the need to apologize for that.
I do agree with DutchmenSport... I've never seen a backup more than a couple three trailers. A half mile of RV's waiting for a dump station would be beyond ridiculous.
It went in one ear on the last thread and out the other,,but you are still hung up on the assumption (shall I explain assumption) that US that have the appliance are taking more time than YOU allow!
Am I right?
So whats the difference between Me and my Tornado and the foreigners and the rental hooking the pooh line up to the fill tank??
Ew,, that was crazy but I can hook MY HOSE to MY Tornado rinser THAT I installed?
You my friend need Valium to camp and get home,,, Maybe even a NORCO!!
Just slip that foil cap on your head and unwrap a piece of spearmint gum.. By the time the spearmint wears off I will be driving of!!
What are we talking,, twenty minutes or so??
Yeah I know that little yapper in the cab has probably peed all over the back of the seats.. And yes its my fault!!
But hey,, my trailer will go back into storage for a week or two and you and I will be Miles away..
Cheers Eh??