Thanks every body. I didn't want to mess up anything. Tha's why I asked.
MEX...You are only 40,000 feet or more above my elec knowledge. I think these things are a rip off also. But my reasons are different than yours.
Anything elec I try to go with OEM. I figure you guys know more than me when you design an elec system. When I had a hard time getting a replacement locally a little light went off in my mind. I did a little digging around. Could find "shortstop" part number on mine, but nobody could cross reference my number. The spec's, yes. Part number, no.
Here is what I found out. Shortstop made by "Bussmann" originally, then bought out by Copper Ind, and changed part numbers that was bought up again and changed part numbers again. Now a division of Eaton. with wife about part number confusion and she remembered a contact name at big elec dist that she used to business with. Called contact. They remembered my wifes name because they worked out how long the pay off would be if wife (building manger) upgraded to LED "exits signs" from indandescent. That's 17 floors in hosp including parking garages. By the way, pay off time was 3 1/2 years. So that's adds up into some big bucks. Remember, I'm only after a $10.00 part but I need it quick. They would "retail" sale to me if they had it on their shelf. Wives contact also had part number confusion. Contact said to come to sales office where located. When I got there in dirty jeans and tee shirt she already had her boss involved on part number confusion. I walked in with part, she went thru her files some more and we went into the "big boys" office. Big boss tried to get part confusion solved, then he called Cooper Ind and wanted to why, if the public can't find the right part number and TYPE and he can't, as an elec wholesaler, why do we even need your business. So over a $10.00 part for a retail customer, sales person spend maybe 20 min of their day on me. Big boss spent 15 min with me. In the end could not get locally.
Big boss ended up sending me link to Amazon with right Amps and "type". Type as in 1,2 or 3.
If anybody waded through this posting and if you have one of these "shortstops"...order a spare now or find proper replacement before you find yourself in same spot as me. Mine is original, supposedly made in last quarter of year 2000.
Here is link, and yes I know pic is wrong as it won't come with red plastic cover.