Hi Bill,
No worries on the reply time. Hey, stuff happens... I figured you where up to your ears in something...
If this is really 2", OK that needs to get corrected for sure.
Bill wrote:
Right now they can't possibly be parallel because the slave rack is out of time by at least two inches.
I agree, get that taken care of. If it is really an entire 2" or even if 1 1/2", and it has been doing it a long time, that might be why the slide side wear plastic pad got burnt/tore out.
And the out of parallel can wait. It will not fix itself if it is wrong unless you unbolt the slide floor from the slide arms mounting brackets. And the C channel welded in the frame are not moving any time soon...
Now that all this is coming together this might have been the wear time line. To early to tell just yet, but here goes as you can look and see is any of this fits.
I think your camper is a 2005 from you sig. Mine is a 2004. And you may have had more use on yours. I did not retire until last August so we had only been weekend warrior'ing it since 2003. I know that my bronze bushings are now worn in the pinion assembly. They are not worn enough to jump teeth, but worn enough I will replace them before I put the slide drive back together.
A "thought" on how this came about.
1. Over time the bronze bushings worn out or enough to lower the pinnion shaft. The master rack one may be worse worn then the slave.
2. As time went on, somewhere along the way, the slide jumped a tooth. Maybe not all at once, and maybe it happened several times to create 1" or 1 1/2" of the 2" being off on the slave rack. The teeth jumps being small went unnoticed.
3. With the slave rack accumulated off that far, that would put the slide in a bind so to speak being nonparallel on the slide moving in and out.
4. Since the master rack does not need the gear drive to work as the hyd cylinder pull/pushes that arm, I can see the slave rack side being behind on the retract motion. This "might" pull the master rack away from the sq shaft side and put excess pressure on the hyd cylinder rod side plastic wear pad. Over time of this happening, the pad wore out. This will also affect the slave side wear pad on the sq shaft side.
5. The awning event may have been the final straw to float this to the top. I do not recall which side, master or slave side, the awing got hung up on. If the slave side, that makes more sense and the added drag made it jump a few more teeth during that event. Not that you got all 2" in one jump, the awning may have only jumped 1/4" or 1/2". Enough that it was load enough you really heard it.
I doubt the master rack wear pad tore out or wore out in one big event. I'm thinking it took time, a good while, maybe a year or more. If the slide was starting to come out of time and kept being used that way, then over time that pad took the blunt of the wear and went out first.
Once you get past the bolt and get to your next place, then the reality of changing those wear pads will come to mind. While the bronze bushing in the pinion drives comes out pretty easy, to put new plastic wear pads in, the whole slide arm has to come out. Means with the slide all the way in OR with the slide fully supported and out, you unhook the end of the slide arm from the hyd cylinder or on the slave side, the pinion assembly and pull out the arm, change pads and then put it all back together. And reset up the slide. Before you get to this you need to document where all adjustments are and understand how to adjust the slide correctly when it goes back together.
Hope this helps and good luck